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  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze
  • Picture of Bronze, Accessories, Jewelry, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Bronze, Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Ring, Sphere
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Bronze
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Bronze, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Ornament, Animal, Insect, Invertebrate
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Animal, Insect, Invertebrate
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Art, Porcelain, Pottery
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Turquoise, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Grenade, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Turquoise
  • Picture of Accessories, Turquoise, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Ornament
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone, Mineral
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Animal, Insect, Invertebrate, Ornament
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Pearl, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Pearl
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Jade, Ornament, Ring, Grenade
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Grenade, Weapon, Bronze
  • Picture of Bronze, Pottery, Jar, Accessories, Jewelry
  • Picture of Bronze, Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Bronze, Accessories, Jewelry
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Sphere
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Ammunition, Grenade, Weapon, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Bronze, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ammunition, Grenade, Weapon
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Turquoise, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Turquoise
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Turquoise
  • Picture of Turquoise, Accessories, Jewelry
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Grenade
  • Picture of Bronze, Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl, Ammunition, Grenade, Weapon, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Jade, Ornament, Ring, Grenade
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Ammunition, Grenade, Weapon, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Silver
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Sphere, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Sphere
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Sphere, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Turquoise, Ring, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Turquoise, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Art, Porcelain, Pottery
  • Picture of Accessories, Turquoise, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Turquoise, Jewelry, Gemstone, Jade
  • Picture of Turquoise, Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Ornament, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Pearl
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Ornament
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament, Ring, Amethyst
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Gemstone, Jade, Jewelry, Ornament, Ring, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Sphere
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Bronze
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Locket, Pendant, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring, Turquoise
  • Picture of Accessories, Turquoise, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Bronze, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Ornament
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Jade, Ornament, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Bronze, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant, Pearl
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Turquoise, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Turquoise, Gemstone, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Turquoise
  • Picture of Accessories, Turquoise, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Ornament, Animal, Insect, Invertebrate
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl, Locket, Pendant, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ornament
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Pearl
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Jade, Ornament, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Sphere, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Silver, Ring, Diamond, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Diamond, Sapphire
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Silver, Ring, Sphere
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Turquoise, Locket, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Turquoise, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Art, Porcelain, Pottery, Locket, Pendant
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Turquoise, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Turquoise, Jade
  • Picture of Accessories, Turquoise, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant, Earring, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ring
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Pearl, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Locket, Pendant, Ring, Ornament, Amethyst
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Gemstone, Ornament, Amethyst
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Ring, Gemstone
  • Picture of Accessories, Gemstone, Jade, Jewelry, Ornament, Locket
  • Picture of Accessories, Jewelry, Locket, Pendant

Claspgarten Infinite Push Clasp | 12mm | 1-Strand | 250+ Color Options

Match your project to anything with infinite clasps! Choose from over 250 different color combinations. Each clasp is crafted with premium precious metal platings, like 24k gold, 24k rose gold, real silver, antique copper, antique brass, and gunmetal.

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  • Bulk Quantity/
    Each Unit
  • 1
PotomacBeads Item ID: 
Manufacturer Item ID: 

Clasp Dimensions: 


Clasp Size: 


Clasp Type: 

Push Clasp


Match your project to anything with infinite clasps! Choose from over 250 different color combinations. Each clasp is crafted with premium precious metal platings, like 24k gold, 24k rose gold, real silver, antique copper, antique brass, and gunmetal. Each of these premium metal clasps can be customized with over 40 different colors for the center cabochon/stone. The clasp size is 12.5 x 14.5mm x 9.3mm (height).


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    • Claspgarten Infinite Leverback Earwires for SS39 Chatons | 12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Interchangeable Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli 10mm |10mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Interchangeable Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli 14mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Cabochons Size 10x14mm | 18x16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Pendant for Rivoli 14mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Rectangle Box Push Clasp for SS12 Chatons | 8x12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 10mm Cabochons | 16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 13x18mm | 20x16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 10mm | 12mm | 1-Strand | 6 Metals | Pack of 2
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Crystal Long Ovals Size 9x27mm | 10x28mm | 5-Strand | 6 Metals
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Chatons SS24 | 12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Push Clasp | 12mm | 1-Strand | 250+ Color Options
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 4mm Pearls | 32.5x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp with 4mm Swarovski Pearls | 32.5x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Prayer Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 12.5x13mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Pearl Box Push Clasp with Swarovski Crystals & Pearls | 12x23mm
    • Claspgarten Twisted Wreath Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 12mm Cabochons | 16x20mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizeable Box Push Clasp for Variety of Beads | 10x8mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 23mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 19mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 15mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | Various Sizes
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 20x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 26x7mm
    • Claspgarten Pearl Shell Box Push Clasp | 11mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 33x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 38x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli Size 10mm/SS47 | 13mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli Size 14mm | 15mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 18x25mm | 28x21mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Leverback Earwires for SS39 Chatons | 12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Interchangeable Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli 10mm |10mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Interchangeable Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli 14mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Cabochons Size 10x14mm | 18x16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Pendant for Rivoli 14mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Rectangle Box Push Clasp for SS12 Chatons | 8x12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 10mm Cabochons | 16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 13x18mm | 20x16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 10mm | 12mm | 1-Strand | 6 Metals | Pack of 2
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Crystal Long Ovals Size 9x27mm | 10x28mm | 5-Strand | 6 Metals
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Chatons SS24 | 12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Push Clasp | 12mm | 1-Strand | 250+ Color Options
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 4mm Pearls | 32.5x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp with 4mm Swarovski Pearls | 32.5x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Prayer Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 12.5x13mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Pearl Box Push Clasp with Swarovski Crystals & Pearls | 12x23mm
    • Claspgarten Twisted Wreath Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 12mm Cabochons | 16x20mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizeable Box Push Clasp for Variety of Beads | 10x8mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 23mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 19mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 15mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | Various Sizes
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 20x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 26x7mm
    • Claspgarten Pearl Shell Box Push Clasp | 11mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 33x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 38x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli Size 10mm/SS47 | 13mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli Size 14mm | 15mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 18x25mm | 28x21mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Leverback Earwires for SS39 Chatons | 12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Interchangeable Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli 10mm |10mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Interchangeable Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli 14mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Cabochons Size 10x14mm | 18x16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Pendant for Rivoli 14mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Rectangle Box Push Clasp for SS12 Chatons | 8x12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 10mm Cabochons | 16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 13x18mm | 20x16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 10mm | 12mm | 1-Strand | 6 Metals | Pack of 2
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Crystal Long Ovals Size 9x27mm | 10x28mm | 5-Strand | 6 Metals
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Chatons SS24 | 12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Push Clasp | 12mm | 1-Strand | 250+ Color Options
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 4mm Pearls | 32.5x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp with 4mm Swarovski Pearls | 32.5x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Prayer Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 12.5x13mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Pearl Box Push Clasp with Swarovski Crystals & Pearls | 12x23mm
    • Claspgarten Twisted Wreath Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 12mm Cabochons | 16x20mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizeable Box Push Clasp for Variety of Beads | 10x8mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 23mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 19mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Adding Any Beads | 15mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | Various Sizes
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 20x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 26x7mm
    • Claspgarten Pearl Shell Box Push Clasp | 11mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 33x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Delica Beads | 38x7mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli Size 10mm/SS47 | 13mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli Size 14mm | 15mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 18x25mm | 28x21mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Leverback Earwires for SS39 Chatons | 12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Interchangeable Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli 10mm |10mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Interchangeable Customizable Box Push Clasp for Rivoli 14mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Cabochons Size 10x14mm | 18x16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Pendant for Rivoli 14mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Rectangle Box Push Clasp for SS12 Chatons | 8x12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for 10mm Cabochons | 16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 13x18mm | 20x16mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Cabochons 10mm | 12mm | 1-Strand | 6 Metals | Pack of 2
    • Claspgarten Infinite Box Push Clasp for Crystal Long Ovals Size 9x27mm | 10x28mm | 5-Strand | 6 Metals
    • Claspgarten Infinite Customizable Box Push Clasp for Chatons SS24 | 12mm
    • Claspgarten Infinite Push Clasp | 12mm | 1-Strand | 250+ Color Options


  • Match your project to anything with infinite clasps! Choose from over 250 different color combinations. Each clasp is crafted with premium precious metal platings, like 24k gold, 24k rose gold, real silver, antique copper, antique brass, and gunmetal. Each of these premium metal clasps can be customized with over 40 different colors for the center cabochon/stone. The clasp size is 12.5 x 14.5mm x 9.3mm (height).
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